
  Sunrise: 1st September – 7h.06m.
Sunset: 1st September – 20h.06m.
Full moon: 2nd September.
Autumn equinox: 22nd September – 14h.31m.

VEGETABLE PLOTS: On permanent site seed turnips, water cress, chicory, radish, cabbage (repolho, head forming). Seed in seed beds, silver beet, lettuce, onions. Plant with first rain strawberry plants — water them until established. Harvest beans .

FIELDS: Can still harvest maize cobs.

VINEYARDS/ TREES/ PRUNING/ GRAFTING: Grape harvest — make wine or juice and keep the pressed pulp to distil in November. Harvest almonds. Persimmons ripe to eat. Harvest walnuts and hazel nuts this month and next. In fruit orchards after last harvest start to prune and clean up trees.

REMARKS: With first showers this month or next, wild parasol and field mushrooms will appear.